So you want to know about Obsession, Inc. do you? Where it came from? Why we're doing this? what our motivations are? It is a long story, filled with mystery, intrigue, and aliens. Seriously, we're doing this for shits and giggles folks ^_^. Basically Matt and I were chatting one day and talking about webcomics in general, making our usual wisecracking jokes to one another, and we decided, "Hey, why don't we make this into a webcomic?" Originally the idea was going to be part of another project we're working on, but then we decided that we needed a broader focus. Eventually we settled upon games and anime, wrote some ideas down, made some sketches, got a keenspace account and BOOM, Obsession was born.

As for the title? Well let's just say that we've oft watched stacks of anime taller than the televisions they're watched on ^_^. Don't get me started about games.

Well, that about wraps it up.

The reason why I do this is simple, I enjoy it, what better reason is there than that?


All content on these pages is copyright © 2000 Matthew Rieger and James Patten